Since its inception, Air Blow Fans has been committed to providing our staff with appropriate and adequate training and tools to enable us to provide world-class products and services, as stated in our Quality Policy Document. We also strive to provide a safe working environment for employees, doing everything possible to prevent injuries or occupational damage and losses. In pursuit of these aims, we recently conducted various training courses for our employees from both the factory and head office, covering topics such as firefighting, first aid, forklift operation, working at heights, and health and safety.
Firefighting training is crucial in a factory setting where welding, grinding, and laser cutting take place, as these activities pose a significant risk of fire hazards. To address this, we provided basic firefighting training to fourteen staff members. This training, combining practical and classroom elements, equipped them to effectively handle fire-related situations using fire extinguishers, fire hoses and other relevant tools. They were also taught how to evacuate the buildings safely in case of a fire emergency.
First aid training is equally important in a factory setting as accidents can happen anytime. Fifteen staff members received first aid training that equipped them with the necessary skills to provide immediate assistance to an injured person, including CPR, before medical help arrives. Our belief is that the more staff members are trained in first aid, the better prepared the company is to handle emergencies.
In compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, it is imperative that forklift operators receive proper training and certification, and the same goes for those working at heights. This training was, therefore, extremely beneficial to us at Air Blow Fans in our fabrication and installation of mining ventilation systems and standalone industrial process fans. Five staff members from the factory and site service team completed the forklift training, while seven did a Working at Heights training course.
The mining industry has traditionally been male-dominated, but there is a growing recognition of the importance of gender diversity and inclusivity in the sector. At Air Blow Fans, we are actively promoting gender equality and empowering women in the workplace. In line with this undertaking, Linda Khedama from the Head Office and Kagiso Sithole from the Factory were recently appointed as our SHE (Safety, Health, and Environmental) representatives. Both of the ladies underwent a comprehensive health and safety course to prepare them for their new roles.
Furthermore, our commitment to staff development extends to providing ongoing assistance and training opportunities for those interested, whether in trade skills or professional growth. These include courses such as welding, Red Seal certification, quality control, project management, and customer service. These courses help our staff to enhance their skills, increase their productivity, and advance their careers. Check back for updates as we make them available.
Firefighting training is crucial in a factory setting where welding, grinding, and laser cutting take place, as these activities pose a significant risk of fire hazards. To address this, we provided basic firefighting training to fourteen staff members. This training, combining practical and classroom elements, equipped them to effectively handle fire-related situations using fire extinguishers, fire hoses and other relevant tools. They were also taught how to evacuate the buildings safely in case of a fire emergency.
First aid training is equally important in a factory setting as accidents can happen anytime. Fifteen staff members received first aid training that equipped them with the necessary skills to provide immediate assistance to an injured person, including CPR, before medical help arrives. Our belief is that the more staff members are trained in first aid, the better prepared the company is to handle emergencies.
In compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, it is imperative that forklift operators receive proper training and certification, and the same goes for those working at heights. This training was, therefore, extremely beneficial to us at Air Blow Fans in our fabrication and installation of mining ventilation systems and standalone industrial process fans. Five staff members from the factory and site service team completed the forklift training, while seven did a Working at Heights training course.
The mining industry has traditionally been male-dominated, but there is a growing recognition of the importance of gender diversity and inclusivity in the sector. At Air Blow Fans, we are actively promoting gender equality and empowering women in the workplace. In line with this undertaking, Linda Khedama from the Head Office and Kagiso Sithole from the Factory were recently appointed as our SHE (Safety, Health, and Environmental) representatives. Both of the ladies underwent a comprehensive health and safety course to prepare them for their new roles.
Furthermore, our commitment to staff development extends to providing ongoing assistance and training opportunities for those interested, whether in trade skills or professional growth. These include courses such as welding, Red Seal certification, quality control, project management, and customer service. These courses help our staff to enhance their skills, increase their productivity, and advance their careers. Check back for updates as we make them available.
Efficient Gas Flow
by a Team of Innovators
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+27 11 452 0726
ICC Medical Building,
Irene Corporate Corner,
Irene, Centurion